Functions of the heart lesson

Once on the site follow the sequence:

Select English language

Click on virtual body tab,

Human heart link.

Students should then review the tutorials entitled 1. Heart parts,  2.Animated heart, and 3. Narrative tour.

After you have completed this exercise, please share with the class your experience with the learning activity pertaining to the funtions of the heart . You can provide answers to questions such as the following:

Did you find the activities difficult?

How many times did you repeat the activity?

Do you think it will help you prepare for your unit exam?

Would you recommend this web activity to a friend?

What was the most surprising information you learned from the activity?

What was your score on the first atempt?
Post your blog by May 13 12 noon.

Functions of the heart lesson

DEP part 2

A. Dozier Web 2.0 Lesson Plan Template
1. Title: Cardiovascular Basics- chap 51

2. Subject Area: Anatomy & Physiology (Online course)
3. Grade Level: College Freshman at Dozier University in My Town GA

4. Description of your target learners (ex. learner characteristics): The target learners for this project are online college Freshman Anatomy and Physiology 1 students. The student enrolled in this course have been accepted into the Health Sciences program Fall 2020 cohort. There are 40 students both traditional and non-traditional in this course. A learning style inventory assessment administered during the first week of class revealed that there were a variety of learning styles among the students.
Required Textbooks:
Dozier, A. (2015). Human Anatomy for Beginners (2nd ed., Vol. 1, pp. 205-233). Smithville, GA: Dozier and Sons.
Dozier, A. (2015). Accompanying workbook Human Anatomy for Beginners (2nd ed., Vol. 1, pp. 205-233). Smithville, GA: Dozier and Sons.
Technical requirements: This fully online course utilizes the following technical components: Microsoft office 2013, IE 10, Silverlight, Adobe X, Acrobat reader 9.
5. Prerequisite Knowledge: The learners will already have successfully completed the prerequisite course Medical Terminology. This background will help the students better comprehend the reading materials as well as their textbook. In addition, the learners will already have completed Introduction to Computers 101 to help with an understanding of basic computer web site navigation and online course guidelines as outlined in the college catalog section 1002. All students enrolled in this course are to complete a mandatory collaborative course orientation session at the beginning of the semester. This orientation will be conducted through the blackboard classroom therefore students should be proficient in blackboard basis and navigation. Date and time is specified by instructor in course calendar. In addition, students should be able to navigate
6. Learning Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, the learner will be able to:
1. Label the four heart chambers on a diagram with 100% proficiency within a 5-minute period without utilizing any resources.
2. Identify major heart valves on a diagram of the heart with 100% accuracy within 10 minutes without referring to any resources.
3. Recall the purpose of each layer of the heart correctly with 100% proficiency within 10-minute period utilizing only their workbook.
4. List at least three of the six total functions of the heart with 100% accuracy as outlined in the textbook within 15 minutes without using any educational resources.
5. Sequence the pathway of blood through the heart beginning at the right atrium with 100% accuracy within 20 minutes using only the required textbook as a resource.
7. Curriculum and Technology Standards:
Since I no longer teach this subject matter, I don’t have access to corresponding standards in actuality. For the sake of this project, I found the standards below from the Georgia Department of Education Anatomy and Physiology of Human Body Curriculum:
SAP1.Students will analyze anatomical structures in relationship to their physiological functions.
• Apply correct terminology when explaining the orientation of body parts and regions.

• Explain the role of homeostasis and its mechanisms as these relate to the body as a whole and predict the consequences of the failure to maintain homeostasis.

SAP4.Students will analyze the physical, chemical, and biological properties of process systems as these relate to transportation, absorption and excretion, including the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, excretory and immune systems.
• Describe the chemical and physical mechanisms of digestion, elimination, transportation, and absorption within the body to change food and derive energy.
• Analyze, and explain the relationships between the respiratory and cardiovascular systems as they obtain oxygen needed for the oxidation of nutrients and removal of carbon dioxide.
8. Learning Activities

8.1: Label the four heart chambers on a diagram
Length: 15 minutes
1. Right atrium
2. Right ventricle
3. Left atrium
4. Left ventricle
Learning procedure: Students are to complete the Heart Anatomy Self- test interior and posterior view from the following web link

8.2: Identify major heart valves on a diagram of the heart
Length: 15 minutes
1. Right atrioventricular valve (tricuspid)
2. Left atrioventricular valve ( mitral or bicuspid valve)
3. Pulmonary semilunar valve
4. Aortic semilunar valve
Learning procedure: Students should complete corresponding interactive anatomy labeling quiz from
textbook publisher web site. Students should upload their results in Brightspace by specified date.

8.3 Contrast the purposes of each layer of the heart
Length: 30 minutes
1. Epicardium- outer layer that houses coronary arteries and helps protect the heart
2. Myocardium- most muscular layer that pumps the majority of the blood through the heart
3. Endocardium- smooth layer that helps cover the heat valves
Learning procedure: Student will submit a brief (no more than 300 words) summary outlining the purpose of each layer of the heart. Additionally, the summary should contain contrasting information differentiating specific characteristics of each layer. The summary should be posted to the blog site by specified date.

8.4 List the functions of the heart
Length: 30 minutes
1. Provide the body with nutrients
2. Helps circulate hormones released in the body
3. Supplies body with oxygen rich blood
4. Assists the respiratory system with gas exchanges
5. Regulates acid base balance
6. Helps stabilize body temperature
Learning procedure: Students will be instructed to go to the following weblink posted on the blog . Once on the site students should follow the sequence as follows: Select English language, click on virtual body tab, then human heart link. Students should then review the tutorials entitled 1. Heart parts, 2.Animated heart, 3. Narrative tour. Students should post their experiences pertaining to this assignment to the blog site.

8.5 Sequence the pathway of blood through the heart beginning at the right atrium
Length: 30 minutes
Concepts: The correct pathway is as listed below:
1. right atrium
2. right atrioventricular valve
3. right ventricle
4. pulmonary artery
5. lungs, pulmonary veins
6. left atrium
7. left atrioventricular valve
8. left ventricle
9. aorta
Learning procedure: Students should complete chapter 51 labeling exercises in their corresponding workbook and these upload pages to Brightspace dropbox correctly sequencing the pathway of blood through the heart beginning at the right atrium. Student should also review Youtube media posted on the blog site entitled Blood flow through the Heart or from the following weblink

9. The Web 2.0 tool chosen to deliver the lesson (ex. technology Integration): The Web 2.0 tools chosen for this lesson is animoto and This content in this module is very picturesque. The goal in utilizing animoto is to capture the visualization of the heart using media manipulation for course module overview. The use of blogging to assist with student learning allows students the opportunity to reflect on learning concepts, participate in classroom discussion, collaborate with other members of the class, and increase interactive learning. Additionally, other Web 2.0 tools used to supplement student learner in this lesson include the following:
8.1 Online games and virtual worlds
8.3 Blogging (
8.4 Online games and virtual worlds
8.5 YouTube media sharing

10. Assessment(s) used to measure learning outcomes through the lesson: Learning outcomes will be measured using identified interactive quizzes/exercised mentioned above, workbook exercises, and unit exam.

DEP part 2

Welcome and Introduction

Welcome! I would like to welcome you to the first module in Anatomy and Physiology 1 (BIOL 1234). Please take a moment to review the learning concepts and course objectives for this module. Leave me a reply if you have any questions.

Learning Concepts for this Module on the Cardiovascular System include the following:
1. Four heart chambers
2. Major heart valves
3. Layers of the heart
4. Functions of the heart
5. Blood flow through the heart pathway

Module 1Objectives

By the end of this lesson, this learner will be able to:

1. Label the four heart chambers on a diagram
2. Identify major heart valves on a diagram of the heart
3. Contrast the purpose of each layer of the heart
4. List the functions of the heart
5. Sequence the pathway of blood through the heart beginning at the right atrium

Target Learners

The target learners for this project are college Freshman Anatomy and Physiology 1 students. The learners will already have successfully completed the prerequisite course Medical Terminology. In addition, the learners will already have completed Introduction to Computers 101 to help with an understanding of basic computer web site navigation.

Welcome and Introduction